Privacy Act

What is the Privacy Act?

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) provides you with rights regarding how your data or personal information is treated. Under the legislation, California residents can choose to opt out of the “sale” of their personal information to third parties. Based on the CCPA definition, “sale” refers to data collection for the purpose of creating advertising and other communications. Learn more about CCPA and your privacy rights.

How to opt out

By clicking on the link below, we will no longer collect or sell your personal information. This applies to both third-parties and the data we collect to help personalize your experience on our website or through other communications. For more information, view our privacy policy.

The Privacy Act is a federal law that protects personal information held by the government. The purpose of the Privacy Act is to safeguard individual privacy by regulating the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information by government institutions.

The Privacy Act applies to all federal government institutions, including departments, agencies, and Crown corporations. Provincial and territorial governments have their own privacy laws that apply to their own information holdings.

Under the Privacy Act, personal information must be collected, used, and disclosed only for purposes consistent with the reasons for which it was collected. Personal information must also be accurate, complete, and up to date.

Individuals have the right to access their own personal information held by government institutions and to request correction of any inaccuracies or deficiencies. The Privacy Act also provides a complaint and investigation process for violations of the act.

Overall, the Privacy Act is an important piece of legislation that helps to protect the privacy of Canadians by regulating the handling of their personal information by government institutions.